Sunday, September 8, 2019

To be or not to be?

To be or not to be? This is the question, Will said. I dare to say that "What to be?" is the real question. What defines us as human BEings? Are we still humans? Or just robots in search of money and fame who don't care of anything else.

In a world full of superficiality a little people think about these questions. Everybody wants results but almost nobody doesn't know how to get there or what it takes to get there. We became so eager to make money, to have a big house, a fancy car that we forgot to really live. We forgot to appreciate the little things, we forgot to appreciate that we are so rich cuz we are healthy, we forgot to appreciate the people near us who really love us. We forgot to say "I love you!", "I missed you!", "Thank you!".
We forgot to be happy! We forgot to be humans!

To be or not to be? But what to be? If you became what you want will you BE happy?  Will you still be a real human BEing? If you achieve what you want to achieve will you be happy or you will want more?

I just want to be happy and that means to be healthy! That is the real wealth!

Monday, April 29, 2019

Lumea cica-s profund. Nu ma consider neaparat profund, dar voi sunteti cu siguranta superficiali. Faptul ca eu nu pot sa ignor ce se intampla in jur, ca vine vorba de oameni, mediul inconjurator, lucruri, animale, face parte din mine.

Ma sfasie indiferenta si ignoranta si felul cum ne comportam cu semenii nostri. Ma doare ca am uitat sa mai fim umani. Ma doare ca suntem fiecare pentru el si nu toti pentru unul.

As vrea cateodata sa fiu mai superficial pentru ca, probabil, as fi mai fericit, insa in esenta mea nu pot sa ignor ceea ce se intampla in jur pentru fericirea-mi proprie.

Daca un singur om din lumea asta e trist, noi toti, restul nu avem dreptul sa fim fericiti. As da o lege in sensul asta, dar s-ar rasturna Pamantul cu susul in jos.

Voi puteti fi fericiti, aveti suficient, eu nu. Am un gol in stomac, ca eu acum pun capul pe perna si-n Africa un copil n-are apa potabila. Ma termina psihic!

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Gauri negre in suflet

In spatele zambetului larg, a omului voios,
Mereu pus pe glume, niciodata serios...
Se ascunde un copil batran,
Zidit de timp in era nepotrivita
Ma uit la ceas, ora e gresita!
Fericit, trist, sclav sau stapan
Ramas mereu singur pe aceleasi drum!

Mi-e greu sa mai fiu eu
Ceilalti crezand ca sunt critic cu ei...
Azi mi-am batut cuie pe suflet
Mai critic fiind cu mine.
Asta-i doar un pamflet
La fel ca si viata
E doar o alta zi
Cand vorbesc cu ceata!

Incerc sa-mi gasesc calea
Urmand alta cale gresita
Nu mai caut fericirea cuvenita.
Vreau doar sa zambesc la sfarsitul fiecare zile
Fiind sanatos fara vreun pumn de pastile
Si fiecare zi o duc c-un singur gand
De-o fi ultima, am sa mor razand!

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Ineptiile unui temerar

Imi pare rau, dar nu mai cred in povesti cu final fericit! Sunt tipul ala de om perfectionist care citeste si scrisul ala mic de la final. Si-mi amintesc ca toate povestile cu printi si printese, castele si nunti ca-n povesti, se terminau cu "si-am incalecat pe-o capsuna si v-am spus o mare minciuna". Nu-s sadic, nici pesimist, viata m-a invatat ca ce-i frumos trece, nimic nu tine pentru totdeauna. 

Insa am invatat ca un singur lucru e important: sa crezi in tine pana la capat, pana la ultima picatura de sange, pana la ultima bataie a inimii, crezi, crezi in tine! Vei reusi! Si daca n-o vei face, tot vei castiga! Vei sti ca ai incercat tot si nu vei avea regrete! In ultimele clipa de viata, n-o sa te gandesti ce casa mare si frumoasa ai si ce pereche frumoasa de pantofi ai in picioare, te vei gandi la fiecare sansa pe care ai ratat-o, fiecare "Buna" pe care ai fi putut sa-l zici si nu l-ai zis, fiecare "Te iubesc", fiecare "Iarta-ma", fiecare "Multumesc" pe care ai fi putut sa le spui si nu le-ai spus. Din orgoliu, timididate sau din orice alt motiv imbecil.

Ce nu traim la timp, nu mai traim niciodata! Dupa asta mi-am ghidat si imi ghidez viata, traiesc clipa, ma dau cu capul de asfalt, ma ridic si merg mai departe, joc all in, stiu ca n-o sa pierd niciodata! Si-n ziua cand voi pleca, voi zambi, voi fi recunoscator si mandru de calatoria pe care am facut-o!
TRAITI, traiti ACUM! Maine poate nu va mai fi!

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

In the end...

I don't know you but I often think about death. And it's not because I'm afraid of it because I'm not...I think of it trying to understand our purpose here on Earth.

But I don't wanna tell you about death, I wanna speak about life but in order to do that first you must understand that what makes life beautiful is death. Not knowing what happens tomorrow is what makes things interesting, even the greek gods envied people because they weren't immortals as them. As I told you if you understand that you will die and you never know when, it may happen tomorrow, next year, 10 years from now, when you'll understand this, it will change your whole perception about life. I hope so...

I like the mountain! I love snow! Skiing is my greatest passion! I love being just myself, my skis and the slope in the morning, running with speeds greater than 100km/h! And it's not the speed that I like, not even the's just the unkown that attracts me, the fact that one wrong move and I can be dead! That's when I feel the most alive!

We're all going to die. The only question is how. - Bodhi

When you'll understand death, you'll understand life! You will appreciate life! You'll be more greatful of everything you have! You'll respect yourself more! You will learn to live for will understand the essence of life, of being alive!

Anyway I don't want to teach you how to live! This is just how I feel!

I don't know why I'm telling you this maybe just because I know I won't be here for a long time! And the day I die I just want you to remember not my face...but the way I lived, without fear, without limits, without thinking of what others say about me! And in that day the greatest gift you can make me it's just to look into your soul, to be honest with yourself and to sincerely ask yourself: "Am I happy? Am I really living?". That's all I want for you who read this know: to be happy! To live for real!

P.S. #alwaysRemember: Live NOW! Tomorrow may never come!

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Tatal meu! Tatal tau! Tatal nostru :)


Nu incerc sa conving pe nimeni ca acesta-i adevarul desi in sinea mea e limpede. Eu stiu doar ca de fiecare data cand viata m-a dat cu capul de asfalt si credeam ca nu pot sa ma mai ridic, El a fost acolo, mi-a intins mana si m-a ridicat. Desi eu nu am fost acolo pt El si de multe ori l-am uitat. El nu m-a uitat niciodata pe mine. Desi meritam. Stiu ca meritam. Pt ca eu daca as fi fost in locul lui uitam unul ca mine.
Tocmai de asta nu sunt si n-as putea fi. Pt ca El e iubire. O iubire infinita, nepamanteana, pe care noi de multe ori o ignoram sau refuzam sa o vedem.
Si apoi ne suparam ca nu e acolo pt noi. Dar El e. Doar ca noi refuzam sa il vedem, refuzam sa ii cerem ajutorul, ne indoim de El apoi ne intrebam "Unde e?". E in noi. In fiecare dintre noi. Doar ca il ignoram, batjocorim, maniem in fiecare zi. Cateodata il mai si injuram. Dar cand ne e greu ne intrebam unde e sau ii cerem ajutorul. Atat de ipocriti suntem.

Nu incerc sa va conving de nimic. Eu stiu ca atunci cand viata ma dadea cu capul de asfalt, cand nu mai vedeam luminita de la capatul tunelului, cand voiam sa renunt, cand eram singur in Groapa Marianelor si au fost destule momente d-astea, El a fost acolo pentru mine. Mi-a intins mana si m-a ridicat. Desi nu meritam. Pt ca l-am maniat, batjocorit, suparat exact ca voi.
Un singur lucru n-am facut: nu m-am indoit nici o clipa de existenta lui si am crezut intotdeauna ca intr-un final imi va lumina calea!

NIHIL SINE DEO! Multumesc! Te iubesc!

Friday, September 14, 2018


They say 'You have a beautiful life' but they only want to see my holidays and what I do in my free time. But every coin has 2 sides. You know, sometimes I work '24/7', sometimes like last night I went to sleep around 1.30 and I woke up at 5.30 and it didn't even ringed the alarm. My body knows that I have something to do today and stopped sleeping. Now some of you will think it's not so beautiful anymore. But as I said life is like a coin, it has 2 sides you will never have only one way in life, you will never be only happy, rich, etc. To be, to achieve or to become something, you need to sacrifice something else!
Life is the teacher and we are the students. And we should never stop learning! We should always struggle, we should always become better and better to reach the best version of ourselves and we should ALWAYS overcome every problem no matter how big it is. 

Remember, life is the teacher, maybe sometimes seems to be a bad one, but the teacher always wants the best for his student, so #always #learn something from every test that lifes gives you.
Cuz in the end, it is only about you. Your way, your life, your ability to overcome everything. So keep winning, keep punching and never ever give up!